Hunger Analytics

Hunger Analytics

We have found that hunger is a major problem with many of our neighbors in the communities that we serve.

Hunger relief organizations focused on the so-called last mile of the food value chain have historically encountered challenges in measuring the realities in the lives of those most burdened by unreliable access to nutritious food.

In 2023, Second Helping created four (4) proprietary indices to quantify real-time personal and household sentiment related to hunger, food insecurity, and inequitable food access.

We have named this index compilation the Mid-Michigan Food Insecurity Indices.

Each index is unique and collectively they incorporate backward-looking and forward-looking perspectives that yield important insights regarding hunger-related experiences, attitudes, and expectations.

Notably, one index exclusively focused on hunger-related realities faced by children, a demographic that is typically underrepresented in industry data measurements.

By collecting, aggregating, and publishing these indices and data, we aim elevate local, statewide, and national awareness regarding hunger and food insecurity issues.

Participation in the data collection process is entirely voluntary and does not impact a respondent’s ability to receive food that we donate and distribute to them.


Household Historical 12-Month Food Insecurity Index


To quantify household sentiment regarding access to healthy, affordable food during the previous twelve (12) months


Collected, compiled, aggregated, and published monthly

Survey Question

On a scale of 1-to-10 with “1” being “Extremely Insecure,” “5” being “Moderately Secure,” and “10” being “Extremely Secure,” how insecure or secure have your family felt about your access to healthy, affordable food during the past 12 months? (Please circle one)

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No Data Found


Current vs. Pre-COVID-19 Pandemic Food Insecurity Index


To quantify household sentiment regarding current access to healthy, affordable food compared to pre-COVID-19 pandemic access


Collected, compiled, aggregated, and published monthly

Survey Question

On a scale of 1-to-10 with “1” being “Extremely Worse,” “5” being “About the Same,” and “10” being “Extremely Better,” how would you rate your household’s access to healthy, affordable food now compared to before the COVID pandemic (i.e. before 2020)? (Please circle one)

1               2               3               4               5               6               7               8               9               10

1               2               3               4               5               6               7               8               9               10

No Data Found


Household 12-Month Expectations Food Insecurity Index


To quantify household sentiment related to expectations regarding access to healthy, affordable food during the next twelve (12) months


Collected, compiled, aggregated, and published monthly

Survey Question

On a scale of 1-to-10 with “1” being “Extremely Worse,” “5” being “About the Same,” and “10” being “Extremely Better,” how do you expect your household’s access to healthy, affordable food to be 12 months from now? (Please circle one)

1               2               3               4               5               6               7               8               9               10

1               2               3               4               5               6               7               8               9               10

No Data Found


Children’s Historical 12-Month Food Insecurity Index


To quantify household sentiment regarding their children’s access to healthy, affordable food during the previous twelve (12) months


Collected, compiled, aggregated, and published monthly

Survey Question

On a scale of 1-to-10 with “1” being “Extremely Dissatisfied,” “5” being “Moderately Satisfied,” and  “10” being “Extremely Satisfied,” how would you rate your satisfaction with your child’s/children’s overall access to healthy, affordable food during the last 12 months? (Please circle one)

1               2               3               4               5               6               7               8               9               10

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No Data Found

Overview of All Indices

No Data Found